movilidad Tag

Do you know how to draw up a good mobility plan to work? I give you the 5 most important keys. The pandemic has meant for many an important turning point (also for reflection) and the resilience that people and systems...

Since 2022 we have joined IdenCity in the commercialization of IDDIGO, an online platform which stores, manages and analyzes indicators of behavior and performance of Spanish cities and which has more than 800 urban indicators (increasing) and utilizes technologies such...

The growth of cities makes many options for improvement available to their citizens. Population growth in a controlled manner improves general services and generates more wealth. But change also presents challenges that require restructuring in space and in the way...

We have already prepared the next webinar, this time on MAAS, connected mobility. Society is changing, and so is the way we move. Policies to boost the use of public transport have increased in recent years, and mobility has become...

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