knowledge blog

Do you know how to draw up a good mobility plan to work? I give you the 5 most important keys. The pandemic has meant for many an important turning point (also for reflection) and the resilience that people and systems...

The management of public transport in Bizkaia has also been affected in these times of crisis that we are experiencing. At Ingartek we have been working in recent weeks together with different agents and administrations, so that the territory's public...

If we say that the future of mobility involves integration, we are not telling any secret. We are talking about the integration of modes, complementarity and, ultimately, putting the users of the service at the center of the entire mobility...

Mobile devices have become the new data collectors. We all know that our mobile devices leave a trail behind them, and the anonymized aggregation of said trail can be used to deepen our knowledge of how citizens move. As a result...

The speed at which technology moves and its increasing sophistication, it leads us to use the two previous terms interchangeably: complex and complicated. Until a couple of days ago when I was listening to Juan José Goñi in an innovation...

In the world of road transport and the rest periods applicable to drivers, the rules have not changed for the moment. The regulation in force until now on rest periods is REGULATION (EC) No. 561/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of...

The boom of the digital era and the data inherent to the nature of computers, has resulted in the creation of large volumes of data, in many places and expressed very heterogeneously. In 2011 this paradigm was named “Big Data”....

GTFS derives from the English initials of General Transit Feed Specification, known in Spanish as Especificación General de Feeds de Transporte Público. The objective is to develop a common format for public transport timetables and geographic information relating to them. Thanks...

Characterising the mobility of a city or a territory has always been a difficult task. The movements of people are different, just as we as people are different, and“photographing” so much diversity is never easy. However, it is essential to do...

At present, cities have a growing importance for the economy and development, in Europe 71% of the population lives in metropolitan areas, this hegemony looks likely to be consolidated as predictions indicate that an increasing number of people will move...

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