
Estimations of origin-destination matrices

EstiMat enables estimations of origin-destination matrices. Using this tool we process large volumes of data, Big Data, from the information generated by transport users in order to automatically obtain Origin/Destination matrices that make it possible to understand how and why people travel.


EstiMat offers complete knowledge of the network and service, which helps to improve future planning and to optimise the network, thus ensuring a high quality service. Using memetic databases, OSS information and Big Data about cities, EstiMat provides patterns for the creation of estimations of origin-destination matrices. This tool offers all the exportable information during all 24 hours and works with software on the cloud.

EstiMat Aplicación Ingartek

With EstiMat you will attain:

+20 Million registrations processed.

90% reduction of time to obtain an O/D Matrix.

Improved reliability of the data obtained.

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