Mobility and traffic studies

In 2019, the Energy Sustainability Law established the need to develop sustainable urban mobility plans in municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants. Gorliz, a municipality on the west coast of Biscay, took this opportunity to reimagine its urban mobility, with...

Nowadays, cities are facing urban mobility challenges that require sustainable and effective solutions. This is where the SUMP, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, comes into play. Through this article we want to explore the characteristics of a SUMP that can...

In an increasingly urbanised world, sustainable urban mobility planning has become an important necessity. Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) are key tools to achieve more efficient, accessible and environmentally friendly cities. Here are some of the keys to a good...

The aim of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is to ensure a healthy environment where people can walk and cycle on accessible, safe and attractive routes; and where longer journeys to work, education, health and recreation are addressed by...

At Ingartek we are an expert consultancy in traffic and mobility solutions. Our traffic consultancy services are adapted to the characteristics and objectives of each company, as we know that each one has different needs. TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY CONSULTANCY FOR YOUR...

Characterising the mobility of a city or a territory has always been a difficult task. The movements of people are different, just as we as people are different, and“photographing” so much diversity is never easy. However, it is essential to do...

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