Fve keys to make a good mobility plan to work

Fve keys to make a good mobility plan to work

Do you know how to draw up a good mobility plan to work? I give you the 5 most important keys.

The pandemic has meant for many an important turning point (also for reflection) and the resilience that people and systems have, a priori immovable, has emerged to adapt to new situations.

This attitude is the one with which we at Ingartek face the creation of Mobility Plans to the Work Center (PMCT). On many occasions we find ourselves with mobility habits that are established, especially in relation to the use of private private vehicles, which with information, motivation and impulse can be modified to a greater extent than we initially thought.

In the search for sustainable mobility, the 5 keys that we consider important when carrying out a good PMCT are the following.


Law 4/2019, of February 21, on Energy Sustainability of the Basque Autonomous Community and Decree 254/2020, of November 10 of the Basque Government, are those that determine the need for these PMCT and the minimum content required. In short, it affects work centers with more than 100 workers per shift, and must include at least a characterization of the activity center, a mobility diagnosis, the definition of objectives and indicators, and an action plan. Therefore, the proposed PMCT index must respond to current regulations.


The work mobility plan must be developed by people who have experience and knowledge in the field of mobility. The collection of information through worker surveys and visits to the work environment itself facilitate understanding of the current situation of mobility. The adjustment of the questions of the questionnaire to the reality of the company and the adequate treatment of all this information will be essential to make a good initial diagnosis.


Nobody knows more about the operation of a company than the workers themselves. As consultants we must know how to listen to their needs and difficulties that they face daily to access their workplace. Group dynamics and well-designed participatory processes surface aspects of great interest for the development of work mobility plans. Through two-way communication, the employees themselves are motivated to develop the plan.


The objectives and indicators proposed in the PMCT must be adjusted to the companies and the needs observed in them. It is useless to establish marvelous goals if they do not conform to the reality of the company or are achievable within a reasonable period of time. The objectives must be specific, have associated indicators and be aligned with the general objective of the plan: to reduce the negative impact of commuting to the workplace, through a more efficient and rational use of the different modes of transport.


Action Plans must be viable and real. The PMCT should not be written to be forgotten in a drawer. We must understand the legislation as a tool that drives us to improve instead of an obligation to comply. From this perspective, we must involve companies in the design of their own mobility. For this, communication with the project management will be continuous. An Action Plan will be drawn up according to the possibilities of the company both temporarily and economically, involving, as far as possible, external agents, such as town halls or county councils.

Let’s move together towards sustainable mobility, convinced that it is the only possible future. Can you come with us? Visit our web section on mobility to work at the following link: Mobility plans to work.


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