transport Tag

Do you know how to draw up a good mobility plan to work? I give you the 5 most important keys. The pandemic has meant for many an important turning point (also for reflection) and the resilience that people and systems...

Since 2022 we have joined IdenCity in the commercialization of IDDIGO, an online platform which stores, manages and analyzes indicators of behavior and performance of Spanish cities and which has more than 800 urban indicators (increasing) and utilizes technologies such...

The growth of cities makes many options for improvement available to their citizens. Population growth in a controlled manner improves general services and generates more wealth. But change also presents challenges that require restructuring in space and in the way...

If we say that the future of mobility involves integration, we are not telling any secret. We are talking about the integration of modes, complementarity and, ultimately, putting the users of the service at the center of the entire mobility...

In recent months, news related to mobile telephony has aroused fear among people, and this time it has not been "Trump vs. Huawei". The news was as follows: "The INE will keep track of mobile phones throughout Spain for eight...

The project for an integral transport centre in Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) now has a feasibility report produced by Ingartek Consulting. In September last year the department of Road Infrastructures of the Regional Government of Gipuzkoa asked Ingartek to carry out an initial...

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