What role does the railway play in sustainable urban mobility?

What role does the railway play in sustainable urban mobility?

Within the conferences organized by the Chair on Transport and Society of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Generalitat Valenciana, the role played by the railway in sustainable urban mobility will be studied.

This conference will take place on Thursday, October 28, 2021, and will feature the participation of Udane Ansa, engineer of Roads, Canals and Ports of Ingartek. Ansa will explain to those present the project on the rail line of San Sebastian, carried out by Ingartek.

Ansa’s presentation is included in the round table on urban railway planning in Spain, and together with Ansa, the following people will participate in the round table: Txema Torner, head of the Mobility Service of the Generalitat Valenciana; Juan Herrera, Head of Projects at the Regional Government of Andalusia; and David Moncholí, Director of Mobility and Transport at IDOM Consulting.

The conference can be followed online in the following address: jornada.transporteysociedad.es.

Extensive experience in sustainable urban mobility

At Ingartek we have extensive experience in projects related to sustainable urban mobility. We carry out strategic plans of mobility and transport, as well as studies of mobility and traffic, for it we have different systematic and methodologies.

It will be a pleasure to share our experience in this field with our colleague Udane Ansa. Thanks to organizers and other speakers and participants for trusting Ingartek.

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