Lessons from the present to address the new mobility in urban and metropolitan public transport

Lessons from the present to address the new mobility in urban and metropolitan public transport

We have already said it in recent weeks, the management of public transport has been one of the most significant points to be dealt with that the Covid-19 has brought to the mobility and transport sector.

The current situation and the one we have experienced in the last two months should serve as an example or guide for designing and controlling the management of urban and metropolitan public transport for the future.

In the webinar on ‘Lessons from the present to address the new mobility in urban and metropolitan public transport’, we wanted to delve into the importance of having the necessary tools for decision-making with a view to planning the road transport network . We have not been able to avoid analyzing the alternatives that offer or help promote sustainable urban mobility, without forgetting, of course, the methodologies developed, or that remain to be developed, that allow us to respond to each situation.

If you could not continue, if you missed something or want to see the webinar again where Sergio Barreña, specialist in mobility and urban transport and founding partner of Ingartek; Susana Alarcón, specialist in transport service audits and founding partner of Ingartek; and Carlos Cristóbal Pinto, an expert in public transport and sustainable mobility, below you will find the recording of it and the presentation they used.

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