Mobility and urban transport studies in search of a more sustainable city

Mobility and urban transport studies in search of a more sustainable city

Sustainability is one of the main current objectives of public administrations, and mobility and urban transport studies are one of the key tools for achieving this objective. At Ingartek, a multidisciplinary team is in charge of analyzing all the necessary aspects in search of a mobility and transport adapted to the current needs.

What do you get with a mobility and urban transport study?

Thanks to studies of mobility and urban transport we will be able to know, with accuracy, the volume of users of a certain line, service or mode of transport at different times. This will allow us to make an overview of the situation, analyse current needs and project future improvements.

At Ingartek, among other things, we are urban traffic consultants, and therefore specialists in carrying out mobility and urban transport studies. The methodology used for these studies takes into account these four stages:

  • The collection of data and the delimitation of the study. We define the objectives and we see the scenarios to which we want to respond.
  • Based on the available data, and after analyzing it, the most suitable models for the city are decided; these must respond to current and future supply and demand.
  • Future scenarios of transport supply and demand are constructed.
  • The proposed scenarios are evaluated.

The importance of city transport being public

If the ultimate objective of these traffic studies is sustainable mobility, there is no doubt that public transport is the most efficient and environmentally friendly alternative for commuting within a city; the emission of gases is much lower. The massive use of private vehicles for moving around a city collapses cities, complicates urban accessibility, and makes them dirtier and noisier.

And while this is often more visible in larger cities with higher traffic flows, mobility and urban transport studies are tailored to all cities and needs. Public transport is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive system to solve the travel needs of people: the bus, train, metro and tram are the most used at present.

However, for short distance journeys within a city, there are alternatives to private vehicle and public transport that are even more environmentally friendly and sustainable than the latter. Among these means of transport, we can find bicycles or electric scooters that are so popular nowadays.

Low-emission areas

The increase in the use of these last two elements makes it necessary to reorganise the public space, since both pedestrians and users of these last two realities of mobility oblige it. Remember that the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda will allocate a total of 1,000,000,000 euros to municipalities for the implementation of low-emission areas and the digital and sustainable transformation of public transport.

The grants will be directed to municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants, and applications must be submitted by 30 September. If you have in mind a project that fits the grants or are developing a related project, at Ingartek we will help you to make your request.

Contact us and we will help you develop your project. Write to us!

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