What is a sump

What is a sump

In an ever-changing world, sustainable urban mobility has become a priority. The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) plays a fundamental role in optimising traffic and mobility in cities. In this article, Ingartek would like to present what a SUMP is and how it contributes to creating a more efficient, ecological and pleasant urban environment for its inhabitants and encourage you to promote it in your organisation.


What is a SUMP? You may be wondering. A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan aims to improve transport and mobility and reduce traffic in urban areas. These sustainable urban mobility plans incorporate measures and policies to promote the use of sustainable modes of transport, such as public transport, cycling and pedestrian mobility. The main objective is to reduce car dependency and promote more efficient and sustainable mobility.

In this sense, a SUMP offers a number of benefits for cities and their inhabitants. Firstly, they help to reduce traffic congestion, improve mobility and reduce travel times. In addition, they promote the reduction of pollutant emissions and the improvement of air quality in urban areas. These schemes also boost equity in access to transport and promote a healthier and more pleasant urban environment.

The implementation of the SUMP involves a series of steps and actions. Initially, mobility and traffic studies must be carried out to understand the specific needs and challenges of each territory. Based on these analyses, a strategic mobility-to-work plan is drawn up which includes specific measures such as the creation of adequate infrastructure, the promotion of public transport and the implementation of policies to support mobility and sustainable transition.


A SUMP is an integral part of sustainable mobility in general. Sustainable urban transport aims to promote efficient, safe and environmentally friendly tourism in urban areas. This involves adopting sustainable modes of transport, promoting carpooling, creating infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, among other measures. The SUMP is a key tool for achieving these objectives and creating more liveable and sustainable cities that improve the quality of life of residents.

At Ingartek we specialise in the development and implementation of SUMPs and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Our customised approach and our experience in mobility and transport research allow us to design effective solutions to promote sustainable mobility in your city. Trust Ingartek to create a strategic plan for mobility to work that improves the quality of life of residents, reduces congestion and improves the quality of life of the city’s inhabitants.

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