Basque labour mobility law

Basque labour mobility law

In the Basque Country we are committed to sustainable mobility. The Basque Country’s Mobility to Work Law must form part of a strategic plan for mobility to work. This new law aims to promote a more efficient and environmentally friendly way of travelling, to encourage the use of sustainable means of transport and to reduce dependence on private vehicles.

The main aim of the Basque Country’s Mobility to Work Act is to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants, reduce traffic congestion and reduce polluting emissions. Mobility was a key factor in the implementation of this new plan, as it focused specifically on the mobility of workers. In this sense, at Ingartek we can help you to promote a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) to implement a set of actions aimed at implementing more sustainable forms of mobility in urban spaces (on foot, by bicycle or public transport) reducing energy consumption and pollutant emissions, while ensuring the quality of life of people, social cohesion and economic development objectives.

Within the framework of the law, a series of measures are established to make mobility to work in the Basque Country sustainable. These include economic incentives for companies to promote the use of public or shared transport among their employees, as well as the creation of company bicycle programmes and the installation of adequate infrastructure for the parking of bicycles and electric vehicles.


In addition, the travel to work regulation envisages the promotion of teleworking as a valid alternative to reduce commuting. It therefore aims to minimise commuting and promote a more flexible working model adapted to the needs of workers.

To ensure the effectiveness of this law, indicators will be introduced to monitor and periodically evaluate the results obtained. It is therefore possible to measure the impact of the measures introduced and make adjustments if necessary. The Basque law on transport and labour mobility is a major step towards more efficient and sustainable mobility in the Basque Country. The law is expected to benefit not only the environment but also people’s quality of life by reducing travel time and improving people’s health and well-being.

In short, the Basque Mobility to Work Law is an ambitious initiative to promote sustainable urban mobility and reduce car dependency for commuting to work. Through measures to encourage and promote remote working and create the appropriate infrastructure, this law will have a positive impact on the environment and people’s quality of life.

The Basque Country’s commitment to sustainable mobility is an example for other communities to follow as they seek to transform their transport systems and promote a greener and more equitable future.

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