Adaptation, the key to an urban mobility consultancy

Adaptation, the key to an urban mobility consultancy

An increase in the population in urban centres is expected in the coming years. The volume of cities will continue to grow and the work of urban mobility consultancy will become increasingly necessary. It is a necessity to adapt the new circumstances to the needs of the citizenry.

Changes that make urban mobility consultancy necessary

Given that urban mobility is the set of movements of people and goods in a city, three needs need to be addressed: the shortage of pedestrian spaces, the increase in motor vehicles and pollution

  • Pedestrian spaces. Pedestrian spaces are becoming more and more scarce. As the population increases there is more traffic density and walking spaces are reduced.
  • Motor vehicles. A large part of the population prefers the use of motor vehicles to travelling on foot, by bicycle or by public transport. Time saving, lack of infrastructure or comfort are some of the reasons.
  • Pollution. Increased travel in motor vehicles increases pollution levels, posing a health problem for residents.

How to fight urban mobility problems?

Consultancies responsible for carrying out urban mobility studies are aware of the need to make changes. The arrival of such an improvement depends on three factors: change of mentality, adaptation to new technologies and reorganization.

1. Change of mentality

The new generations do not feel the same need to drive as the previous ones. For many young people freedom does not depend on having a motor vehicle, but on having the means to reach their destination.

This trend may not benefit the car industry, but it makes it clear that awareness is above taxation. Educating and providing alternatives to private transport are some of the keys to boosting change.

2. Adaptation to new technologies 

Cities are bound to become smart cities. The connectivity is imposed, but it is necessary that all, passers-by, companies and public administrations, join. Only then can reliable data and effective solutions be provided to citizens.

3. Reorganization

A third factor that needs to be added to make this work is the reorganization of passenger and freight transport. In addition, civil engineering and sustainable mobility solutions must be provided. Modifying and extending the routes of public transport and adapting the spaces to the needs of pedestrians is an essential step.

At Ingartek we offer urban mobility consulting. We can collaborate with administrations in adapting to the new trends and needs of society. We have experience and many ideas to contribute to improve the movement of people and vehicles in the city.

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