What vehicles can circulate in low emission zones

What vehicles can circulate in low emission zones

By December 31, 2023, all cities in Spain with more than 50,000 inhabitants must have a Low Emission Zone (ZBE) in order to reduce pollution in the urban environment. But what vehicles will be able to enter them?

First let’s clarify:

What are low emission zones?

Low emission zones are the set of duly delimited public roads that present geographical continuity, in which special measures are implemented to regulate access, circulation and parking of vehicles, to reduce polluting emissions from traffic.


Each City Council has the power to choose which restrictions apply in the low emission zones in terms of the vehicles allowed in them. For example, in Madrid and Barcelona, he main cities in Spain that already have low emission zones, and have established different access permits according to the environmental labels of the vehicles, which can be A or none, B, C, ECO and 0 emissions.

In any case, for the moment the law has not specified an official order of limitations in terms of low emission zones, that is, it has not been confirmed that vehicles without a label or type A will not be able to circulate in the ZBEs, but it is to be expected that when all the low emission zones come into force, the footsteps of Madrid and Barcelona will be followed, applying restrictions by type of vehicle label.

The only sure thing is that by December 31, 2023, all cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants will have a LEZ.

At Ingartek we have a multidisciplinary team with experts in different fields to offer comprehensive mobility and transport consulting solutions, so if you need help to know how to implement a LEZ in your city, do not hesitate to contact us.

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