What is a road traffic study for?

What is a road traffic study for?

In order to design the best solutions to solve mobility problems that may arise in cities or municipalities, it is necessary to first carry out a traffic study for highways.

Promoting sustainable urban mobility has become a priority for public administrations. However, to design a sustainable mobility plan, it is necessary to know the traffic of vehicles on the roads through a traffic study.


Control stations are used to analyze urban planning and carry out a road traffic study. Normally, there are usually several control stations distributed along different traffic routes, either on main or secondary roads.

The control stations allow to know important data about the transport and mobility of the place, information that is later analyzed in the traffic study for highways.

There are different types of control stations: some are permanent and others are used only for a certain period of time, depending on the needs of the analysis.


In a traffic study, different variables are analyzed, depending on the road, the flow of vehicles that pass through it, etc.

Generally, the behavior of vehicles on the road is observed to determine if it is necessary to widen lanes, restrict the passage of certain vehicles or modify speed limits. In the case of urban mobility, roundabouts and intersections are usually a key point to analyze and look for alternatives that favor urban planning.

At Ingartek we have all the tools to carry out a road traffic study adapted to each location. If you want to know some of the projects we have carried out in this area, click here

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