Webinar on what to do after implementing a low emissions zone

Webinar on what to do after implementing a low emissions zone

From Ingartek and Movytrans we want to help city councils to know what they should take into account to implement low emission zones in their cities. But, also, what happens after implanting it?

We invite you to the webinar that we will hold on November 3, at 12:00 to discover all the answers.

webinar sobre zona de bajas emisiones

In this webinar, experts from Ingartek and Movytrans will explain how to deal with the possible difficulties that may arise after implementing a low emission zone, such as traffic management in surrounding areas, logistics and parking problems that may arise… We will also reflect on how to take advantage of already pedestrianized areas to turn them into LEZs.

Recommendations will be given on how to prepare citizens for towards a low emission zone. In short, they will provide knowledge on what steps must be taken after implementing the LEZ so that the transition to this new model of sustainable mobility is as simple as possible for the administration and for citizens.

The webinar will have the participation of Sergio Barreña, Head of the Sociology and Statistics area at Ingartek and Enrique de Diego Álvarez, Director of Movytrans.


The need to bet on sustainable mobility is increasingly palpable since mobility is a fundamental axis of decarbonization processes in a context of progressive growth of cities.

At Ingartek we draw up mobility plans, which are essential to help define low emission zones. And we also want to help public administrations to manage low emission zones once they are implemented. That is why we have organized this new webinar. We are waiting for you on November 3!


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