Grouping mobility information of the transport operators of the bizkaia transport consortium

Grouping mobility information of the transport operators of the bizkaia transport consortium

Ingartek, as experts in mobility and transport, apart from carrying out traffic studies, also carries out optimization projects in transport management, circulation and urban accessibility, offering personalized solutions.

The project being carried out for the Bizkaia Transport Consortium is an example of this. The objective is to group information from all transport operators such as Metro Bilbao, Bizkaibus, Bilbobus, urban operators, the Bilbao City Council, etc. so that the CTB has all the data collected in one place when making decisions about mobility and transport.

In summary, Ingartek has created a digital database based on the information and documents provided by the various mobility agents. And, furthermore, in collaboration with the French firm Enroute, it has created a platform that is used to import and edit static and real-time information on the mobility of the territory. The platform also offers the possibility of re-exporting the information entered, to serve as an entry point for other systems of the Basque Government, Google, etc.


The information that Ingartek has collected on mobility and traffic is made up of de facto standards such as GTFS or GTFS-RT and European standards such as NeTEx or Siri.

If you need help with a transportation data collection project, feel free to contact our Ingartek team here.

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