Research and Development

Through the Ubiqo project, Ingartek and IDS Ingeniería are working to optimise port infrastructures via the use of RFID, facial recognition and mobile applications.

Ubiqo is a project aimed at encouraging the safety of people who work in ports via a device that enables geolocation and biometric monitoring. Thus, it seeks to monitor the health of people in real time and to create a historical data record that enables the implementation of measures intended to improve wellbeing at work.

Ubiqo emerged alongside the Neptune plan, aimed at encouraging the sustainable growth of the marine and maritime sectors in Europe via innovative projects led by SMEs in the sector. The project aims to encourage innovation in order to create new chains of industrial value that benefit the entire sector and have a specific influence at a local level.

The Neptune plan involves the participation of seven technology clusters, two business support centres, an engineering school and a consulting company in seven European countries.

The plan will last for 30 months. It has been funded by the European Union, under the umbrella of the H2020 research and innovation program. Also, it is taking place under the framework of the “Blue Growth” Plan, which aims to encourage sustainable growth in the marine industry.

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